Sunday, June 03, 2007

Thirty is Flirty

My birthday weekend has been fun. Friday night I went out with co-workers at the Alchemist. Saturday, Rachael and I went to the Burlington Farmers market, then shopping on Church Street. We met gs and Jon for dinner
at Roques , the only good Mexican restaurant in Vermont. Then we went on a nice walk around Lake Champlain. We stopped by Kim's for an ice cream birthday cake on the way home. The ride home reminded me of another thing I won't miss about Vermont, driving home on a foggy night during deer season. In case you did not know, Vermont does not have street lights!

I got some great cards and gifts. My two favorite gifts are the ivoice from gs, and a check for my adoption account from my big sis.


suzystel said...

happy birthday rae!!!

Marissa said...

happy birthday, lady.